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Bringing Your Garden Indoors

Bringing Your Garden Indoors

During the winter months, some people struggle with being away from their garden and not having a hand on relationship with nature. If this sounds like you then continue reading, as today we are going to share with you some ways that you can bring 

Why Is Caring For My Home Such A Challenge?

Why Is Caring For My Home Such A Challenge?

Our homes are where we spend most of our time. Especially over the past year where we have spent a lot of time in lockdown, working from home, with no one wanting to leave their home for their own safety. But, why has caring for 

Is There Really A Perfect Garden?

Is There Really A Perfect Garden?

We hear it all the time. People constantly asking for help designing a perfect garden. That they want their garden to be perfect in every way possible. The perfect size, the perfect shape, even with all the perfect features. But, is there really such a thing as a perfect garden?

The truth is, there really is no such thing as a perfect garden. This is a huge misconception that we need to get out of our minds. A misconception that we need to forget about and stop trying to reach. Whilst there may not be a perfect garden, there is our own dream garden that will be in some ways perfect for us, but it will never truly be a perfect garden.

The idea of having a perfect garden is an unusual thought to have. In life, there is never really anything that can be completely perfect. When you have reached your idea of a perfect garden, you will likely look back out onto your garden and see things that you want to change. Things that could be moved around, updated or cleaned to again make another perfect garden. So, it will always seem as if you are chasing the ideal of having a perfect garden when the perfect garden is constantly changing.

You do not want to spend you time chasing the ideology of having a perfect garden, this does not exist. You may think it exists, but you will be spending more of your time, effort and money chasing this dream that you will never achieve.

So,what do we suggest you do? We suggest that you stop chasing the idea of having a perfect garden. That you make the garden you have what you want. Trends will always be changing so you will never be able to keep up. Think about yourself and what will work well for you and your family, not what is on trend and deemed perfect at the time.

Gardening- Remember To Take It Slow

Gardening- Remember To Take It Slow

There is a huge misconception that gardening is an easy and relaxing hobby. That it does not take much effort at all and is something that anybody can do. But, the truth is that this is not the case. Gardening itself is a very tiring 

Weed Control For Your Garden

Weed Control For Your Garden

Every gardener’s pet hate is having weeds appearing all over their garden where they are truly not wanted! So, today we are going to share with you some of our weed control top tips, helping to keep your garden weed-free! Keep Soil Disturbance LowYour garden 

All About Cordylines

All About Cordylines

Cordylines have become a very popular plant/tree over the past few years. Cordylines generally start as a plant then as they lower leaves die and fall they leave a trunk-like stem. They can grow really tall and do survive fairly well in the English climate. However, you may find your Cordyline fails to thrive or starts to die off during the winter wet months. Cordylines prefer dryer soil and to be protected from strong winds. If your cordylines roots become too waterlogged they may root. If the leaves become brown and shed at a fast rate there is a risk your cordyline is dying.  Feel the trunk part. It should feel solid with no sponges areas. If the trunk has become sponges at the top you should chop the trunk to the height of the solid section. Some will reshoot or regrow at the bottom, by if they are spinet near to the root they may be too rotten to save.  

Gardening with Arthritis – How To Avoid Pain

Gardening with Arthritis – How To Avoid Pain

Most people would assume that gardening is one of the best activities to take part in if you have arthritis. Now, this is not the case. Whilst it may help to take your mind away from your pain for a small amount of time, it 

Garden Storage Solutions

Garden Storage Solutions

Finding storage in your garden can be a difficult challenge. With the garden being one of the places where you need the most storage possible for all your garden tools, toys and other pieces. So, what are some of our best garden storage solutions, helping 

DIY – Children Play Equipment

DIY – Children Play Equipment

If you have children, you will be well aware that children’s toys are so expensive. This does include children’s garden toys! One way to keep the costs down is by making children’s play equipment yourself! Today, we are going to share with you how you can do this!

For The Beginners
If you are not skilled in DIY projects, you don’t need to worry, there are still some ways you can DIY your own children play equipment.

One of the most common projects for people who are not so confident in DIY is a water wall. This allows for a lot of creativity and only simple building required. With you only needing a large piece of wood, and some pipes plus buckets and funnels. All of these items will make a simple water wall that offers hours of endless fun for children of all ages!

You may also find that you can buy cheaper packages to make swings or slides in stores. These will come with instructions for you to follow, making them fairly simple for anyone to build.

For The More Experienced DIYers
For those of you that are more experienced, you may be looking to make something that is more of a challenge.

So, why don’t you start completely from scrath to make your own play equipment. But all the raw materials that you need and build this yourself completely from the beginning. You may need to watch tutorials to gain the right angles, but you will create a product that is 100% unique.

We have also noticed that DIY lovers have been heading out and making their own wendy houses for children. With you being able to style and build this exactly as you wish to create your children’s dream garden playhouse!

Large Gardens- Why Aren’t They Always The Best?

Large Gardens- Why Aren’t They Always The Best?

When thinking of a dream home, most people would love to have a large garden. Being able to do whatever you want in a large space. But larger gardens are not always the dream we envision. In this article, we are going to look into